Free TPD Online Eligibility Check

If you’re an Australian unable to work due to an injury or illness, you might be eligible for a lump sum insurance payment from your superannuation fund.

We help Australians unable to work due to injury or illness secure their benefits.

Fact 1: Unable to Work Due to Illness or Injury

If you’re unable to work again because of an injury or illness, you could qualify for a lump sum claim through your TPD insurance.

Fact 2: Unable to Work for at Least 3 Months

If an injury or illness has kept you from working for 3 to 6 months, you may be eligible.

Fact 3: It’s Free

Take advantage of our Free TPD Claim Fact Check. If you’re unable to work again due to an injury or illness, contact the Online Claim Check team today.

Trust Us

We Are Here to Help!​

At Online Claim Check, we are dedicated to assisting Australians in determining their eligibility for a lump sum insurance payment from their super fund. We connect you with trusted companies that will guide you with expertise and care every step of the way. Trust us to help you secure your benefits and take the stress out of the process.

Simplify Your Claim Journey

We’re here to assist everyday Aussies struggling
due to being out of work.

-> Free claim eligibility assessment
-> Stress-free process
-> Connect with reliable professionals
-> Secure your benefits
claim check

Check Your Eligibility Today

Fill out the form below to get started.

First Name
Last Name
How long ago did the injury occur?

Were you hospitalised after your work injury?

Have you or your employer reported the incident with WorkSafe VIC?

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By filling the form you agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy

If an injury or illness has left you unable to work, reach out to us today.